The DTP 030 "NON GMO" is a voluntary standard of CSQA that allows the certification of food products, feed and derivatives of animal origin against the "NON GMO" requirement.The certification is declined differently for the different types of products:
- In the case of food products (e.g. snacks, biscuits, etc.) the acceptability limit corresponds to 0.1%.
- In the case of products intended for zootechnical feed, the certification concerns the control carried out by the operators in order to guarantee compliance with the 0.9% limit, to be understood as a technically inevitable and/or accidental maximum limit in the preparation processes of zootechnical feed.
- In the case of animal derivatives (milk, meat, cured meats, cheeses, eggs, etc.) the certification is aimed at ensuring that the products derive from animals fed with livestock feed that complies with the previous point.
The certification is issued in an Accredia accredited area on the basis of the common rules defined by RT-11 Accredia .
The previous revision of the standard concerned only some raw materials at GMO risk (soybeans and corn), while with the new version of RT-11 the guarantee is extended to all GMO plant species admitted at Community level (currently soybeans, corn, rapeseed, cotton and beetroot).
This certification is required by distribution chains and/or large Italian and international animal supply chains.
The NON GMO certification is also recognized in the case of optional labeling regulations for beef and poultry with particular reference to zootechnical foods .
The standard requires:- careful mapping of raw materials at GMO risk and of the processing procedures involved,
- the adoption of systems for the qualification of suppliers and the analytical control of raw materials
- the adoption of actions aimed at guaranteeing the use of NON-GMO raw materials
- the adoption of actions aimed at reducing the risk of cross contamination
- analytical checks on finished products
- communication to the consumer