The EC Regulation n. 1760 of 17/7/2000 provides for the obligation of labeling for beef and beef-based products in order to allow the traceability of the product throughout all stages of production and provide transparent information to the consumer.CSQA, authorized by the Ministry , carries out the control functions in relation to slaughterhouses, farms, feed mills, hatcheries, points of sale, cutting laboratories and headquarters of authorized organizations operating in the beef and poultry sector, carrying out checks within the times established by the regulation and by the specific Control Plan for each organization and approved by MIPAAF.
The labeling includes:1. mandatory indications :
- a reference number/code identifying the animal or batch of animals;
- the country of birth of the animal
- the Member States or third countries where the fattening stage took place
- indication "slaughtered in (State in which the slaughterhouse is located and approval number of the slaughterhouse where the animals were slaughtered)"
- indication "cut in (the home country and approval number of the cutting plant)"
- prepare a specific regulation for the labeling of beef
- submits it to the approval of the competent authority designated for each Member State in which the production or marketing of the meat in question takes place (in Italy the MIPAAF )