The UNI 11584 standard "Catering services - Minimum requirements for menu design" provides the elements for designing menus for public and private catering , by public bodies, companies and professionals.It does not apply to commercial catering services.
The UNI 11584 was conceived in response to the need to develop a common certification throughout the national territory , whose objective was the creation of a shared management system for the design of menus intended for public and private collective catering.
This rule is based on objective elements of general validity relating to:
- food safety
- health and/or community needs
- aspects related to sustainability such as energy saving and reduction of food waste
- protection of consumers' interests
The standard defines:
- the elements to consider for the design of the menu
- those who can design menus
- the design of menus for special dietary needs (diet for pathology or for cultural-religious needs)
- the applicable Quality Assurance aspects, such as
- Menu design
- Review of the menu for the purpose of evaluating
- the ability of the designed menu to meet the input requirements
- identify any problems and propose the necessary actions
- Checking the menu
- assessment of perceived quality;
- evaluation of surpluses and residues
- Validation of the menu with the aim of demonstrating its ability to achieve the results planned and defined in the design input requirements.
- Communication to the end customer
- Management of non-conformities : negative deviations from the declared commitment must constitute a reason for verification and a commitment to improve
The UNI 11584 standard can be used by companies that provide collective catering services in order to give evidence to third parties (end users of the service and not, such as private companies with internal company canteens) of the quality of the service, demonstrating particular attention to the issue of food safety and providing substantial help in the prevention of various types of diseases.It is therefore a rewarding tool for those who work according to principles that characterize a "restaurant that promotes health".
The certification can be used to demonstrate to customers-consumers the company's responsibility in choosing to provide services that enhance the dietary proposals dedicated to the various communities, in order to avoid waste and enhance the food products used.
The consumer will therefore be able to have additional guarantees on the methods of providing the catering service with reference to hygienic-sanitary and nutritional aspects, but also on the transparency of the offer.