AB certification is a voluntary certification.
The AB (Agriculture Biologique) brand is owned by the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Development.
The brand can be requested to distinguish products from organic farming since French consumers, according to a research conducted by Bio Agence Bio / CSA 2018, for 97% recognize organic products by the presence of this logo on the packaging.
Organic operators who intend to affix the logo on their products (including Italian ones) are required to complete, sign and send Annex IV of the Regulations for the use of the AB brand to CSQA and Annex V to Agence BIO – Marque AB - 6 rue Lavoisier - 93100 Montruil, France, contact@agencebio.org attaching the executive draft of the label and/or other material where the AB logo is affixed.

Requesting operators are required to comply, in addition to what is contemplated in the Community and national legislation, also with the requirements indicated on page 13 of the regulation.
As regards agricultural and livestock production, there are no requirements other than those imposed by EC Reg. 834/07 and EC Reg. 889/08.
Processed products intended for human consumption, as well as feed, can boast the label only if they contain a percentage of organic ingredients greater than 95% (the same condition required for the use of the EU logo).