ISO 37001 is the international standard developed to support companies in adopting a management system aimed at addressing and preventing possible cases of corruption and promoting an ethical corporate culture.The growing awareness of the damage caused by corruption has prompted the definition, at an international and national level, of strategies and actions aimed at reducing its risk and impacts, also taking into account the usefulness, in the face of the globalization of crime, of having a transactional regulatory tool to combat corruption.
This new standard helps to define the ways in which organizations can declare themselves " compliance " with respect to the prevention of corruption , i.e. they have adopted preventive measures that are reasonable and proportional to the risk of incurring corruption.
CSQA is accredited by ACCREDIA .
ISO 37001 specifies the anti-corruption measures and controls that an organization can adopt to monitor its business activities in order to prevent corruption.These include:
- A policy for the prevention of corruption, procedures and controls
- Communication of this policy and related program to all interested and/or associated parties
- Leadership, commitment and responsibility
- A senior level surveillance procedure
- Corruption prevention training
- Risk assessment
- Due diligence on projects and co-workers
- Governance body reporting, monitoring, investigation and review
- Require members to sign an anti-corruption pledge
- Implement financial controls to reduce corruption risks
- Corrective actions and continuous improvement
The standard represents a flexible tool that provides a systemic approach to the prevention and fight against corruption, embracing the typical methodology of the Plan - Do - Check - Act of management systems.
It is set according to the High Level Structure , applied among others also for the new ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 , and is aimed at companies of any size or nature, both public and private; it can be easily integrated with other management systems and its objectives can be included in the continuous improvement plan and, above all, compliance with the standard can be certified by a third party .
It should be underlined that, from the point of view of the anti-corruption management system, the meaning of "corruption" should be understood in a broader sense than the corresponding crime provided for by the mandatory legislation , including all conduct which, although formally lawful, presents itself as an obstacle to the pursuit of the general interest objectives for which both public and, in many cases, private organizations are responsible (just think of the vast world of non-profits, social cooperation, private health and education, private contractors public services, non-governmental organisations...).
The adoption of a management system compliant with ISO 37001 should increase the effectiveness of the tools to combat the corruption phenomenon, integrating well with the company systems, including Mod. 231.ISO 37001 can therefore be a support for organizations required to fulfill legislative obligations on anti-corruption matters , but also an opportunity for all companies interested in managing and reducing their level of "corruption" risk.