ISO 9001 is aimed at any type of public or private organization, of any sector and size, manufacturing or services.It is the internationally recognized reference standard for the quality management of any organization that intends to respond simultaneously to:
- the need to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes - as an organization tool to achieve one's objectives -
- to growing competitiveness in the markets through the improvement of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
The primary purpose of ISO 9001 is the pursuit of customer satisfaction with regard to the products and services provided, as well as the continuous improvement of company performance, allowing the certified company to ensure its customers the maintenance and improvement over time of the quality of its goods and services.
From this point of view, the ISO 9001 model represents a strategic tool as it is aimed at:
- assessment of the context and stakeholders
- analysis of risks and opportunities as a basis for defining appropriate actions
- cost control,
- increased productivity
- waste reduction.
From a substantial point of view, this translates into the reduction of the risk of not complying with what is promised to customers and into the ability to keep processes under control by measuring performance and identifying suitable indicators .
It is also often required by public tenders .
Finally, ISO 9001 provides a basic organizational model that can be completed with specific requirements peculiar to some areas, described in sector standards, and can be easily integrated with other management systems, such as ISO 45001 (health and safety at work), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 27001 (information security).
Some examples of sectoral guidelines are represented by UNI standards aimed at:
- Childcare services
- Residential care for the elderly
- Organization of congresses and group events
- Call center services , and so on
CSQA is accredited by ACCREDIA .
ISO 9001 places at the center of the creation of a management system:- the customer and his full satisfaction;
- the study of the context and consequent business risks and opportunities ;
- the vision of the company as a set of processes in close relationship with each other and aimed at supplying products that consistently meet the set requirements ;
- the importance of pursuing continuous performance improvement .
Managing quality means knowingly managing the effectiveness and efficiency of your processes through:
- knowledge, management and monitoring of processes ;
- the ability to involve human resources ;
- the centrality of the role of top management ;
- the ability to measure one's own performance and the degree of achievement of objectives .
The new standard calls for the identification and measurement of the points in the processes that generate value towards the market, considering the company as a group of interconnected customers-suppliers .
In this context, each process receives inputs from internal/external suppliers and supplies products or services to internal/external customers.
- Systematic assessment of risks and opportunities on which to base strategic decisions
- adoption of an organizational model based on an integrated approach to processes and on the sharing of individual experiences to improve performance effectively and continuously
- increase the ability to meet the needs and expectations of its customers through better knowledge and control of the company
- reduction of costs connected to the inefficiency of the activities carried out
- timely definition of responsibilities and professional growth paths for the resources employed
- transparency towards the reference markets