The UNI EN 16686:2015 standard applies to organizations that provide osteopathic healthcare services and that provide training courses in the sector.Specifies the requirements and recommendations regarding health services, facilities and equipment, education and the ethical framework for the good practice of osteopathy.
The Law n. 3/2018 on the reorganization of the health professions sanctioned the entry of the osteopathic practice among the health professions. This is a fundamental stage for the total recognition of the discipline that will develop, in the appropriate offices, in the definition of skills, the training path, the characteristics of the profession and of the osteopathic professional.
In the face of this regulatory scenario, registration in the ROI (Register of Osteopaths of Italy) is reserved for professionals trained in Italian and foreign osteopathic schools who provide courses in line with the requirements described in the CEN EN 16686/2015 standard (Articles 6.2.3 and 6.2.4).
The schools adhering to AISO (Italian Association of Osteopathic Schools) must meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 , ISO 21001 and UNI EN 16686 certifications and possess the three aforementioned certifications.
The UNI EN 16686 can be certified independently or integrated with the ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 standards. The integration allows reduction of audit times and related costs.
CSQA is Accredia accredited for the ISO 9001 (IAF 37) – ISO 21001 – ISO 29993 – ISO 29994 standards, as well as certifies organizations with the UNI EN 16686 standard, having experience and professionalism in the training and socio-health sector.
- Definition of the contractual relationship with CSQA
- Certification audits
- Issue of the certificate, valid for three years
- Annual surveillance audit in order to verify the maintenance of compliance with the requirements of the standard and continuous improvement
- At the end of the three-year period of validity, the certification can be renewed according to the procedure previously described
- Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the member association
- Demonstrate compliance with market requirements
- Communicate the quality of the training service which, thanks to third-party verification activities, is credible and reliable
- Become competitive in the market
- Monitor processes and reduce internal costs
- Improve corporate image and relationship with stakeholders