What is it?
Tesco, in collaboration with FoodPLUS GmbH, has developed a private add-on module applicable to producers supplying Tesco's Primary Suppliers..jpg)
Released in 2017, the Nurture module marked the transition of the original Tesco Nurture Programme (a stand-alone standard) to an add-on that is audited in conjunction with the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard.
Key points
This additional module builds on the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA standard and complements it with a series of requirements aimed at assessing the management and use of plant protection products at farm level:- Quality Management System
- Lists of permitted (PPPL) and non-permitted plant protection products (Hit List)
- Application of plant protection products
- Plant protection residue monitoring system
- Traceability and segregation
Certification process
- Filling out the questionnaire, sending data to CSQA
- Issuance by CSQA of the offer for certification and acceptance of payment of the fees provided for by the NURTURE module
- Audit planning and conduct (joint audit with GLOBALG.A.P. IFA)
- Management of non-conformities, if necessary
- Issuing of the Letter of Conformity valid for one year
The following questionnaire must be completed and sent by e-mail to csqa@csqa.it for:
- the request for the first GLOBALG.A.P. certification
- the request for annual renewal of the certificate
GLOBALG.A.P. has published the new fee " GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table ":
- "GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table" for all Countries
- "GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table" for North America (USA and Canada)
Sublicense agreement for all CountriesSublicense agreement for North America (USA and Canada)