
What is it?

Tesco, in collaboration with FoodPLUS GmbH, has developed a private add-on module applicable to producers supplying Tesco's Primary Suppliers.

This module focuses on the sustainable management of plant protection products ensuring environmentally friendly agricultural practices , with reference to the official TESCO lists of permitted plant protection products for the categories of fruit and vegetables (GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FV) and flowers and ornamentals (GLOBALG.A.P. IFA FO).

Released in 2017, the Nurture module marked the transition of the original Tesco Nurture Programme (a stand-alone standard) to an add-on that is audited in conjunction with the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard.

Key points

This additional module builds on the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA standard and complements it with a series of requirements aimed at assessing the management and use of plant protection products at farm level:
  • Quality Management System
  • Lists of permitted (PPPL) and non-permitted plant protection products (Hit List)
  • Application of plant protection products
  • Plant protection residue monitoring system
  • Traceability and segregation

Certification process

  • Filling out the questionnaire, sending data to CSQA
  • Issuance by CSQA of the offer for certification and acceptance of payment of the fees provided for by the NURTURE module
  • Audit planning and conduct (joint audit with GLOBALG.A.P. IFA)
  • Management of non-conformities, if necessary
  • Issuing of the Letter of Conformity valid for one year


The following questionnaire must be completed and sent by e-mail to for:

  • the request for the first GLOBALG.A.P. certification
  • the request for annual renewal of the certificate


GLOBALG.A.P. has published the new fee " GLOBALG.A.P. Fee Table ":

The fee defines the taxes that GLOBALG.A.P. , through CSQA, applies to companies requesting certification.


Sublicense agreement for all Countries
Sublicense agreement for North America (USA and Canada)

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