ISO 50001 (“ Energy management systems - Requirements and guidelines for use”) offers organizations in any sector, both private and public, management strategies that aim to bring:- an increase in energy efficiency ,
- a cost reduction
- an improvement in energy performance , which must therefore be integrated into the management of the organization's daily activities.
The latest version of the standard was published in 2018. With the new version, ISO 50001 has also aligned itself with the high level structure (HLS) , a sort of "common skeleton" of the management system regulatory standards, which allows for their greater integration and facilitates their implementation, to the benefit of the organizations that choose to adopt them.
CSQA is accredited by Accredia for the ISO 50001 standard.
If the Organization deems it useful, it can ask CSQA for a gap analysis check with respect to compliance with the ISO 50001 standard.The objectives are:
- identify the context and the peculiar characteristics of the Organization;
- identify the degree of preparation of the Organization to support the certification process.
ISO 50001 specifies the requirements that an energy management system (ENMS/EMS) must have, enabling an organization to have a systematic approach for continuous improvement of its energy performance, also taking into account legal obligations .The standard therefore defines the requirements applicable to the use and consumption of energy , including the activity of:
- measurement
- documentation
- design
- purchase for equipment
- as well as the processes and people that help determine energy performance
The standard does not establish specific energy performance criteria.
It is a voluntary standard, supported in national and European legislation.
Furthermore, an ISO 50001 SGE is increasingly easily integrated with other management systems (for example ISO 14001 , ISO 9001 ), also thanks to the alignment with the HLS structure common to them.
- Gain knowledge of internal energy consumption
- monitor and reduce (managing to objectively quantify the reduction efforts) one's energy needs
- assess compliance with legislative constraints and thus be able to give public feedback
- being able to more easily demonstrate compliance with the obligations to which the organization is subject (from the outside world or by self-determination, or legislative obligations or commitments deriving from its energy policy, for example)
- it is useful for credibly developing one's environmental reputation