PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is a Forest Certification , which is based on compliance with the criteria and indicators defined in the Ministerial Conferences for the Protection of Forests in Europe (Helsinki 1993, Lisbon 1998).The PEFC scheme certifies the entire wood supply chain :
- In the production phase it certifies with the GFS scheme - Sustainable Managed Forest . The Organization that intends to be certified must implement a management system that takes charge of the PEFC criteria and indicators. In essence, the management and use of forests and forest land is evaluated with a view to sustainable development .
- In the product transformation phase, it certifies with the CoC scheme - Chain of Custody . The Organization that intends to be certified must guarantee the traceability of the certified wood raw material within the transformation process, and keep the origin from certified forests unequivocal.
CSQA, in addition to the PEFC accreditation , has obtained the ACCREDIA accreditation both for Sustainable Forest Management and for the PEFC Chain of Custody.
For more information on the standards, visit the PEFC Italia website.
Starting from 1 June 2017, the recognition of the Sustainable Forest Management (GFS) and Sustainable Management of Tree Plantations (GSA) standards of PEFC Italy was made official by PEFC International.The GFS standard (PEFC ITA 1000:2015, PEFC ITA 1001-1:2015 and PEFC ITA 1001-2:2015) and the GSA standard (PEFC ITA 1004:2015 and PEFC ITA 1004-1:2015) have therefore been assessed by the Assembly of 45 national certification schemes as aligned with the requirements of the PEFC Council and are therefore formally applicable.
There are six pan-European criteria that describe the quantitative and qualitative (descriptive) parameters which - if periodically measured or observed - make it possible to evaluate the environmental performance and sustainability of forest management systems:- Maintenance and appropriate development of forest resources and their contribution to the global carbon cycle
- Maintaining the health and vitality of the forest ecosystem
- Maintenance and promotion of the productive functions of forests (wood and non-wood products)
- Maintenance, conservation and appropriate development of biological diversity in forest ecosystems
- Maintenance and appropriate development of protective functions in forest management (especially soil and water)
- Maintenance of other socio-economic functions and conditions