The SA 8000 international standard is a management model that aims to enhance and protect all personnel falling within the sphere of control and influence of the Organizations that adopt it.It is a standard that allows you to:
- improve staff conditions
- promote ethical and fair treatment of personnel
- include international human rights conventions

The SA 8000 standard was first published in 1997 by the Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation Agency (CEPAA), today SAI (Social Accountability International); subsequent revisions in 2001, 2008 and the last one in 2014 (whose transition ended on June 30, 2017).
CSQA is a member of the independent federation CISQ, the only Italian representative of IQNet , and is able to offer this service through IQNet (a SAAS accredited body according to the international standard SA8000) .
SA8000 is a management system (ref. 9001) focused on working conditions .It is the internationally recognized accredited standard that meets the needs of organizations that want to stand out for their commitment to sustainable development and in particular for social issues.
The chapters developed in the standard are:
- child labor
- forced labour
- Health & Safety
- freedom of association, right to collective bargaining
- discrimination
- disciplinary practices
- working hours
- pay
- management system
Other principles:
- stakeholder engagement (internal and external stakeholders)
- all staff are involved, including management
- all sectors and sites of the company are involved
- it favors prevention rather than control
- aimed at continuous improvement . To obtain certification, the Company must implement a Social Accountability Management System, a tool through which the organization can plan, manage, review and improve the performance categories defined within the standard
- An increase in credibility, transparency and corporate image on the reference market, a reputational benefit
- greater consumer confidence , improved relations with institutions and social organizations
- a control of ethics and social correctness in the supply chain
- an improvement in the company climate : workers feel protected by the company in which they work and are more involved in achieving objectives
- an improvement in internal and external communication , through reports made publicly available