The Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council n.2024/1143 has profoundly changed the system of certification and protection of Geographical Indications (GI) , or PDO, PGI, TSG . One of the main innovations is that for the first time there is a single text that regulates all agricultural production, including wines and spirits .
On a production level, the new regulation aims to ensure that producers acting collectively have the necessary powers and responsibilities to manage GIs , also to respond to society's demands, such as animal health and welfare, products deriving from sustainable production , and to operate and be competitive on the market. At market level, the new rules aim to help ensure fair competition and generate added value with the aim of sharing this value along the marketing chain, in order to ensure a fair return for producers.
Another aspect this regulation looks at is maintaining the ability of producers to invest in the quality , reputation and sustainability of their products. The new GI system also aims to contribute to the achievement of rural development policy objectives, providing support for agricultural and processing activities, preserving know-how and promoting quality products specific to the geographical area in which they are produced.
In relation to the approval of the new EU Regulation, the statement by the deputy director of Csqa, Maria Chiara Ferrarese , is particularly interesting: "The new regulation recognizes greater importance to the role and functions of the groups (protection consortia) , providing for the possibility of operating and promoting products also in new contexts of responsibility, development and growth. The new actions and activities that the protection Consortia can develop, starting from the strong and indissoluble bond with the territory inherent to the GI product, through food and wine tourism (the so-called DOP Tourism ) and commitments to sustainability represent a significant innovation and constitute important opportunities to increase the recognized value: for the GI product, for the operators of the production chain, for the other operators in the same territory sensitive to the issues of tradition, culture and sustainability. Therefore, starting from the territory and tradition, the role of the Protection Consortium goes beyond the boundaries of the `simple` quality of the product and the connotations of the supply chain.
Source: Salami & Consumi