The Veneto Region, as part of the 2025 Digital Agenda , has launched a project to modernize and certify regional digital infrastructures.
A path that will lead to the qualification of the Regional Data Center , the infrastructure that contains data and delivers services to all citizens, according to what has been established by the National Cybersecurity Agency.
The main objective is to converge on more secure digital systems, certified and recognized precisely by the National Cybersecurity Agency.
“ Today it is indisputable that the issue of cybersecurity also represents a priority for the public administration system, for the protection of networks and information systems . " Thus the regional councilor for the Budget and Programming, with responsibility for the Digital Agenda, Francesco Calzavara, announces the path started by the ICT Directorate .
"The ISO 9001 certification , obtained in recent days, represents the first step for the national qualification of the services provided by our Data Center and will initially allow the management of ordinary data and services .
Once this phase has been completed, by the end of July, the ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 certifications necessary to achieve the second level of qualification of cloud services and infrastructures will be obtained.
This second step will allow the Veneto Region to host even the most critical services and data, such as healthcare, in its Datacenter, in compliance with the requirements set by the National Cybersecurity Agency.
Objectives like this can only be achieved with teamwork: so it is right to share this success with those who have contributed to obtaining the certification, in particular Veneto Innovazione and CSQA, who are accompanying us on this important journey in which, once again, it is people who make the difference”, concludes Councilor Calzavara.