Home Corporate Communication Press Review Equalitas, Cantina Ponte's sustainability management system certified

Equalitas, Cantina Ponte's sustainability management system certified

A journey that lasted over a year led the Ponte di Piave winery to be officially declared sustainable thanks to obtaining the Equalitas certification which guarantees correct global development while respecting the environment and human rights.

Equalitas, Cantina Ponte's sustainability management system certified
Equalitas, Cantina Ponte's sustainability management system certified

After careful analyzes and accurate checks, CSQA , a leading publicly controlled body in the "agriculture" and "food and beverage" sectors, has certified that the Viticoltori Ponte sustainability management system complies with the SOPD EQUALITAS standard, developed in accordance with the 17 goals (SDGs) established by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The objectives refer to fundamental issues for global development and aim to end poverty, fight against inequality, tackle climate change and build peaceful societies that respect human rights and aim to safeguard all living beings.

This concept, translated into the microcosm of the vineyard, inspired and guided the creation of the PONTE1948 BIO line composed of three excellent wines: Organic Prosecco DOC Extra Dry, Organic Pinot Grigio DOC delle Venezie and Organic Merlot IGT Veneto born with the intent to promote increasingly sustainable and nature-friendly agriculture.

Sustainability is to be understood not as an immutable state or vision, rather as a continuous process that recalls the need to combine the three fundamental and inseparable dimensions, or pillars, of development:

Environmental Pillar : correct use of environmental resources

Social Pillar : respect for the dignity and rights of the person

Economic Pillar : economic well-being and equity

The aforementioned cornerstones contain within them a set of requirements, also called "Good Practices" (Good Vineyard Practices, Good Cellar and Bottling Practices, Good Socio-Economic Practices, Good Communication Practices), which come together in a synergistic manner to give life to effective and sustainable operations.

These concepts have always resided in the DNA of Ponte which in recent years has chosen to accelerate a path of improvement already undertaken successfully and aimed at guaranteeing an approach that is as ethical as possible, oriented towards the well-being of the worker and the environment.

For a correct management system and continuous improvement, the " Environmental Indicators " intervene together with the Good Practices. In this area, among other things, the company's commitment to reducing the carbon and water footprint through the use of renewable sources - in particular photovoltaic which is preparing to exceed 1.5 MegaWatts of power - and the recovery of heat and water from refrigeration systems, supported by a significant increase in organic cultivation with maximum respect for biodiversity.

To seal all this, another certification also recently acquired, that of the National Integrated Production Quality System (SQNPI) issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Forestry, further protection for the consumer immediately identifiable thanks to the logo of the bee present on the label.

“Balances change quickly – comments Luigi Vanzella , General Director of Viticoltori Ponte – reminding us that nothing is taken for granted. Only care for our Planet and a healthy coexistence, aimed at collaboration rather than annihilation, of all organisms can allow us to dream of a better future."

Source: www.golfodelgusto.it

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