Home Corporate Communication News Signed the decree on conditionality obligations to obtain CAP funds

Signed the decree on conditionality obligations to obtain CAP funds

Among the fulfilments are good agronomic and environmental practices, animal welfare, requirements for fertilizers and sanitary products

Signed the decree on conditionality obligations to obtain CAP funds

Signed the decree on conditionality obligations to obtain CAP funds To access the aid scheme of the Common Agricultural Policy , the beneficiaries must possess the prerequisites that allow the admissibility of the application, to which are added rules and criteria defined as " conditionality " which allows the beneficiary to be able to collect the aid. The "cross-compliance" mechanism intends to develop and increase sustainable agriculture thanks to a better awareness on the part of the beneficiaries of compliance with these basic standards.

The rules concern:

  • the correct agronomic management of the land,
  • environmental protection,
  • public health,
  • animal health and welfare;
compliance with them is essential to avoid the sanctions envisaged for cases of non-compliance.

The Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida signed the Decree on the conditionality obligations that the beneficiaries of direct payments and rural development are required to respect.

"With this provision we ask for the respect of fundamental obligations, which go in the direction of sustainability, respect for the environment and animal welfare. The national legislation thus takes a step forward, aligning itself with those new conditionality rules of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 that we have supported and shared ", comments Minister Lollobrigida.

Among the mandatory obligations included in the decree, there are the rules for maintaining the land in good agricultural and environmental condition, animal welfare and the minimum requirements for the use of fertilizers and sanitary products.

Italy has "an invaluable heritage of biodiversity and quality - recalls Lollobrigida - which we have the duty, and the honor, to protect and continue to pass on by outlining a solid and sustainable development perspective".

DM n. 0147385 of 09/03/2023 - Regulation of the conditionality regime

(Source: https://www.foodandtec.com / )

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