V6-GFS Transition Period
There will be a transition period until 31 December 2024 , during which IFA v5.4-1-GFS can still be used and will remain a GFSI benchmark.
However, producers and producer groups wishing to obtain GFSI recognised IFA certification are advised to register only for IFA v6 GFS after receiving this communication.
IFA v6 GFS will replace IFA v5.4-1-GFS effective January 1, 2025 , and IFA v5.4-1-GFS will no longer be verifiable after this date (for initial and renewal verifications).
All IFA v5.4-1 GFS certificates issued during the transition period will be valid for the entire lifecycle of the certificate and will remain GFSI benchmarked.
After 1 January 2025, the IFA 5.4-1 GFS version may only be used in the following situations:
Surveillance audit on IFA v5.4-1-GFS during the validity of the certificate of producer groups option 2/multi-site producers option 1 with QMS.
New products added to the valid certificate of an IFA v5.4-1-GFS certified producer/producer group.
New producer group members and/or production sites added to the valid certificate of an IFA v5.4-1-GFS certified producer group/multisite with QMS (within 10% or more),
Producers or producer groups that do not require GFSI recognition can continue to register and carry out audits with the currently valid IFA 6 Smart version.
With GFS version 6 you will only be able to apply Add-ons in the latest version.