Ferrari Giovanni Industria Casearia is a leading figure among the historic dairy companies that promote Made in Italy beyond the borders: the president Laura Ferrari illustrates its strategy on sustainability issues. What was the most important result achieved in 2023 and what is the objective that you are pursuing in this second half of 2024?
In this two-year period, with reference to sustainability, we are implementing, among others, a project that includes the review of processes to reduce energy consumption and self-production of energy.
We have installed a photovoltaic system at the Fontevivo plant – Laura Ferrari, president of Ferrari Giovanni Industria Casearia, tells Il Mondo del Latte – and in 2024 we will also double self-production at the Ossago Lodigiano plant. We purchase 100% of our energy from sustainable sources and our goal is to self-produce at least 35% of our needs from renewable sources.
What are the focuses on which the Ferrari dairy supply chain focuses? In our “ Casa della Sostenibilità ” project, the primary theme that concerns the supply chain is animal welfare. The supply chain of the Ferrari factories is CSQA certified for animal welfare. In particular, Parmigiano Reggiano di Montagna is produced exclusively with milk certified for animal welfare. Furthermore, almost all of the production is certified as coming from “no deforestation” crops.
Source: The World of Milk