The Brescia Solidale Onlus Foundation is a private non-profit organization established by the Brescia City Council which pursues its aims of social solidarity through:
- the management of services and destined structures to the assistance and to the cure of elderly people in condition of partial or total impairment of personal autonomy;
- the implementation of interventions and services aimed at preventing and responding to situations of need , disability or social hardship ;
- the promotion of training and cultural promotion activities .
CSQA certifies and develops specific models for frailty , aware of their effectiveness and importance for the care and management of people with dementia.
The Gentlecare Certificate was presented to the top management of the Foundation by Dr. Massimo Dutto, Head of Life Sciences Sanità e Salute of CSQA.
This very important certificate represents " the culmination of a path of years thanks to which we relaunch a series of projects to be developed with the institutions, from the Municipality to Ats and Asst ", commented the Director of the Solidarity Brescia Foundation Chiara Benini.
For Dr. Annamaria Scotuzzi, who takes care of the residents of Arici Sega with passion - it is a prosthetic approach, that is to say help, which is based on the ability to look at the person and not at the disease and stands on 3 columns : environment, program and people"
Environment means creating rooms, furnishings and spaces tailored to those who live there, the Program means time modulated on the needs and lifestyles of each guest, such as, for example, natural awakening without a pre-established common alarm clock. Finally, people , that is, residents and their families, doctors and all the social and health figures who interact "to build the culture of an aging society ", specified the president of the Solidarity Brescia Foundation Giacomo Mantelli.
Also present were Annamaria Indelicato, director of social and health care at Asst Spedali Civili who underlined « the importance of the networking that Brescia has been doing for over 20 years in the dementia sector »; a job which, underlined the General Manager of Ats Brescia Claudio Sileo , " is primarily the result of the commitment of the operators who have put all their dedication into this process, which goes well beyond the 901 minutes of assistance ".