Thursday 19 January took place in the Aula Magna of the Department of Educational Sciences of Bologna the presentation event of the new PEEPI Certification - Educational Path for the Expression of Individual Potentials identified by the Dovadola 3000 social cooperative of Forlì in collaboration with CSQA and the University of Bologna - Department of Educational Sciences and thanks to the support of Confcooperative Romagna , Irecoop Emilia Romagna and SIPES (Italian Society of Special Pedagogy).
PEEPI is a national certification process aimed at companies that carry out work placement programs for people with disabilities and disadvantaged people .
PEEPI identifies a process based on the enhancement of individual potential and on a strong relationship between the people who in various ways become part of the process.
At the end of an assessment by the CSQA certification body, the company that complies with the identified path receives the Certification certificate and the possibility of identifying its own company as certified through the use of an identification mark.
The conference began with greetings from Mauro Neri , president of Confcooperative Romagna followed by those of Maurizio Fabbri , director of the Department of Educational Sciences GM Bertin, Luigi d'Alonzo , president of SIPES and Carlo Perini , president and CEO of CSQA. Paola Boattini , president of the Dovadola 3000 social cooperative, then explained the details of the certification.
After her, the following spoke: Fabio Sacchi , research fellow, Enrico Miatto , professor of Pedagogy at the Salesian Pontifical University, Valeria Friso , associate professor in the Department of Educational Sciences, Sofia Bandini , former researcher at the University of Bologna, Mauro Marconi , coordinator of the work placement and labor policies group of Federsolidarietà Confcooperative Emilia-Romagna, Riccardo Nascé of the innovation-quality service of Confcooperative Romagna , Luca Bartoletti of Irecoop ER and Massimiliano Oro of the Life Sciences Division of CSQA.
At the end of the event the official delivery of the certificate of deposit of the DTS by CSQA took place at Dovadola 3000 .
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