Home Corporate Communication Press Review Purina: 50 companies join Lens for regenerative agriculture in 2 years

Purina: 50 companies join Lens for regenerative agriculture in 2 years

Lens, the Landscape enterprise networks, a regenerative agriculture project, involves more than 2,000 hectares of land between Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Purina: 50 companies join Lens for regenerative agriculture in 2 years
Purina: 50 companies join Lens for regenerative agriculture in 2 years

In two years, the number of farms adhering to Lens , the Landscape enterprise networks , a regenerative agriculture project launched in 2022 in the Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions, has increased more than sixfold , with Purina, a company in the pet care sector, at the forefront .

With the growing membership of new farmers and a significant increase in the agricultural areas involved, Lens has exceeded its objectives , demonstrating the success of the proposed regenerative model. To date, there are over 50 participating agricultural entities. The agricultural area involved has also recorded a significant increase, reaching over 2,000 hectares, demonstrating the growing membership of farmers from Veneto and Friuli.


The project is developed in collaboration with other funders such as Consorzio Tutela Prosecco DOC and strategic partners such as Leone Alato, together with consultants specialized in environmental matters such as 3Keel and Preferred by Nature, with the support of Cereal Docks and Serena & Manente, together with several partner organizations, including Veneto Agricoltura, CSQA , WBA Project, Agrinnovazione, to which xFarm has recently been added, as a technological partner, making its expertise available to support farmers and agronomists in the implementation and monitoring of the regenerative practices promoted by the program.


Source: AskaNews.it

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