CSQA delivered the UNI/PDR 131 certificate to Debora Donati, founder and president of “Insieme a te” , during a press conference , which was also attended by the Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli.
During the press conference the following was presented: “La Spiaggia dei Valori” , the new accessible and permanent structure created by the Association “Insieme a Te” as part of the project “In Emilia-Romagna c'è una vacanza per me”, financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region with an allocation from the Ministry for Disabilities.
The Association has also presented a series of operational agreements with the ASL Romagna, the University of Bologna and the Romagna Oncology Institute to further qualify , also on a scientific and organizational level to guarantee the continuity of care for beach guests, its offer, expanding it both towards new recipients , including for example cancer patients, and in terms of destinations, seeking new beaches to equip for new guests and volunteers.
“Today we have written a new page.” – Debora Donati observed – “Eight years ago I would never have imagined that from a simple desire for a vacation with my family we would have come this far.
That need for serenity that I was looking for for us has turned into an opportunity for over 1,400 families and more than 2,100 volunteers who have shared this journey with us. Being represented by entities such as the AUSL of Romagna, the University of Bologna and the Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo is a source of great pride for us.”
Debora Donati, president of “Insieme a te”, has been invited as a speaker to the World Conference on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the UN , which will be held in New York in June 2025.