Home Corporate Communication News SQNPI, the news for 2023

SQNPI, the news for 2023

From the deadlines for submitting the application to the innovations introduced

SQNPI, the news for 2023
SQNPI, the news for 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests has published the new provisions regarding the adhesion to the National Quality System of Integrated Production - SQNPI , applicable to 2023.

To maintain active membership of the system, each operator must submit an update request on the ministerial portal every year .

The submission deadlines defined for the year 2023 are:

- Joining the SQNPI for certification purposes or for certification purposes + ACA compliance:
by May 15th
- Adherence to the SQNPI with ACA compliance purposes:
by 15 May or date established by the territorially competent Region if different from that provided for in the law.


By May 15th
The application can be made exclusively for obtaining the trademark.

The application deadline for obtaining the SQNPI mark is peremptory and, therefore, the possibility of submitting the application after this deadline can only be accepted in cases where technical problems beyond the applicant's control are identified.

ATTENTION : In order to allow the correct management of the Application for membership on the computerized portal, the Associated Operators - OA - to make the first accession to the system must be authorized as " SQNPI institutional users " and not as "qualified users".

Also for 2023, the ministerial provisions require the Control Body to carry out the verification activities at farms by 31 October and at air conditioners, processors and distributors by 15 December .

We report HERE a brief summary of the changes introduced by the standard for the year 2023.
The complete text of these provisions is available on the websitewww.reterurale.it .

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