Home Corporate Communication Press Review Sustainable viticulture, the well-started path of the Trentino Wine Consortium

Sustainable viticulture, the well-started path of the Trentino Wine Consortium

With the president of the Trentino Wine Consortium, Albino Zenatti, an update on the maintenance of self-discipline protocols and defense systems

Sustainable viticulture, the well-started path of the Trentino Wine Consortium

Sustainable viticulture, the well-started path of the Trentino Wine Consortium

Faced with one of the most difficult years of recent decades, with continuous rains from spring to late summer and evident consequences in some areas regarding the spread of powdery mildew and downy mildew, the wine sector is called upon to carry out a field check on the validity of the protocols and defence systems adopted to date .

The results seem to be good, thanks to the extraordinary commitment of the producers with interventions and controls in the field, which have allowed us to arrive at the harvest with generally healthy and good quality grapes . But the real challenge is represented by the compactness of the sector compared to the now consolidated experience of the self-discipline protocols inaugurated during the early nineties that have represented up to now an essential point of reference in the national and European panorama.

Thanks to those far-sighted decisions, Trentino has managed to put into practice a certification system that has objectively limited the use of synthetic chemicals, inaugurating a long season of good defense practices as alternatives to impactful treatments, starting with sexual confusion.

Since 2016, the Trentino production specification has been part of the SQNPI project, the National Integrated Production Quality System , which promotes certification implemented as an external body by CSQA of Thiene (VI).

To date, over 5,400 companies have obtained grape certification , while the surface area protected from regulations that limit treatments represents 80% of the total Trentino vineyards, which amount to just over 10,000 hectares .

The results of this three-decade-long work are collected in the Sustainability Report recently published by the Consorzio di Tutela dei Vini del Trentino , an organization responsible not only for safeguarding the designations of origin of DOC and IGT wines, but also and above all for promoting the culture of sustainability in its environmental, social and economic aspects.


Source: Vita Trentina

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