The Cooperative L'Apostrofo is certified UNI EN ISO 9001 by CSQA for the “Planning and provision of assembly services on behalf of third parties. Design and provision of work placement services for disadvantaged people".
It is one of the smallest cooperatives adhering to Confcooperative Veneto , followed by IRECOOP Veneto for the implementation and maintenance of the Quality Management System, a type B social cooperative (ex. L 381) with the Mission of carrying out activities for the employment of disadvantaged people.
The Cooperative currently has agreements with the ULSS 7 Pedemontana, both for job placement and social inclusion internships, and agreements with the Court of Vicenza for the performance of public utility work and alternative penalties.

Young people and adults who have to serve an alternative sentence to prison collaborate and work with mentally disabled people, people with various disadvantages who are included in a cooperative to safeguard and stimulate their skills and abilities in a protected and suitable environment also for promoting the development of people and their social relationships.
L'Apostrofo is not just sharing, it is also an assembly and quality control laboratory, a copy shop and bookbinding and an artisan weaving atelier.
For more than 15 years important Vicentine companies have been entrusting small contract work to the Cooperative: male & female plastic discs to be separated, ferrules to be stripped or peeled off, brushes to be unwrapped, sachets to be applied to labels.
All managed with safety , planned and controlled with quality management system procedures.
Job placements are all managed with personalized social inclusion projects , detailing life contexts, objectives and skills.
Filed in the personal file, the job placement diaries contain data and objectives, structuring of the day, socialization, development of relational skills and timely checks, according to the project.
Everyone's privacy is guaranteed, with the careful control of the sending body which weekly inspects the workplace and checks the progress of the inclusion projects.
All this is managed effectively, thanks to standardized procedures in compliance with a Quality Management System that has been implemented and controlled for some years.