In addition to the SQNPI (National Quality System for Integrated Production), an instrument chosen by the MIPAAF to reduce and harmonize the regional and national disciplines of integrated production , some Regions have set up the so-called Regional Quality Systems which presuppose the possibility of using a Regional Brand on condition of respecting the specific regulations prepared by the Region, and of passing the checks carried out by the certification body.
- AGRIQUALITY : CSQA is authorized by the Regional Council of Tuscany to carry out checks for the Agriqualità Mark on cereals, fodder, floriculture, industrial crops, oil and olives, fruit and vegetables.

- QM MARK: CSQA is authorized by the Marche Regional Council to carry out checks on the " QM - Quality Guaranteed by the Marche" brand for cereals, raw milk and high quality fresh pasteurized milk, fish, fresh and processed pork, extra virgin olive oil-monovarietal oils, molluscs, sheepmeat, dairy products, catering, fresh fruit and vegetables and processed from integrated production.
- QV MARK: CSQA is authorized by the Veneto Regional Council to carry out checks on the "QV-Verified Quality" mark for horticultural crops, fresh-cut horticultural crops, fruit crops, cultivated mushrooms, ornamental flowers.

- TRENTINO QUALITY MARK: CSQA is authorized by the Autonomous Province of Trento to carry out checks on the quality mark with indication of origin "Qualità Trentino".

- MARK OF QUALITY PRODUCTS: CSQA is authorized by the Puglia Region to carry out checks on the quality mark with indication of origin "Quality Products. Quality Guaranteed by the Puglia Region".

- QC MARK: CSQA is authorized by the Emilia-Romagna Region to carry out checks on the “Controlled Quality - Integrated production that respects the environment and health” brand. Regional Law of Emilia-Romagna 28/99”.
- QS MARK : CSQA is authorized by the Sicily Region to carry out checks on the "QS - Guaranteed Safe Quality" brand for the durum wheat and derivatives supply chain.