Organic production is a global farm management and agri-food production system based on the interaction between best environmental practices , a high level of biodiversity , the protection of natural resources , the application of strict animal welfare criteria and a production suited to the preferences of certain consumers for products obtained with natural substances and processes.The organic logo and labeling system have the task of assuring the consumer that the product they are buying has been obtained following in all details the European Regulation on organic farming and national legislation or in the case of imported products , according to equivalent or similarly strict rules. Starting from 1 July 2010, the use of the new logo has become mandatory for all organic products made in compliance with Community legislation.

CSQA is authorized for organic certification.
CSQA Certitifcations is associated with IFOAM, the international federation of movements for organic agriculture, both globally, IFOAM Organics International , and regionally, the IFOA EU group.
Farmers, processors, importers and all operators in the supply chain must comply with specific legislation if they want to use the terms and references to organic products in the marketing of the product. To ensure that all operators comply with this regulation, a control system has been set up.Checks are carried out at every link in the organic farming production chain , and it is mandatory that every farmer, processor or importer operating in the organic farming sector is subject to inspection at least once a year.
For this function, each Member State has designated certain public authorities and/or private inspection bodies as approved CSQAs who are in charge of carrying out the inspections. All control bodies and authorities work under the supervision or in close cooperation with the central competent authorities of the Member States.