The "Production technical specification for the CONTROL and CERTIFICATION of ORGANIC and NATURAL COSMETIC PRODUCTS" DTP 138 is a CSQA standard created to meet the needs of enhancement of cosmetic products on the national market and the innovative value ideas that they contain.The standard requires the use of packaging free from dangerous chemicals and the use of ingredients
The specification applies to every cosmetic product , which contains at least one raw material from certified organic farming and, in any case, genetically modified or irradiated vegetable raw materials with ionizing radiation are excluded .Furthermore, the use of raw materials deriving from animals is prohibited, when these provide for their suppression.
For finished products, three levels of certification are established:
- Bioeco Cosmetic : contains at least one organic ingredient from organic farming according to the IFOAM Family of Standards certified by accredited bodies
- Bioeco Cosmetico Silver : whose minimum level of organic ingredients is equal to 25% of the finished product and these ingredients must be IFOAM certified
- Bioeco Cosmetic Gold : whose minimum level of organic ingredients is equal to 50% of the finished product and these ingredients must be IFOAM certified

The BIOECOCOSMESI certification allows:- the use of raw materials from organic farming or spontaneous harvesting
- the absence in the products of questionable materials from an ecological point of view , both in the product itself and in the packaging with an ongoing commitment of the company
- the absence of non-vegetable raw materials considered "at risk" for human health
- the reduction of the environmental impact due to superfluous or non-recyclable packaging
- production using the most innovative environmentally friendly techniques and ongoing commitment of the company also towards values of economic and social sustainability
- consumer recognition of certified and therefore reliable natural and organic cosmetics