The PEEPI Certification - Educational Path for the Expression of Individual Potentials is a national certification path focused on the paths of job placement of people with disabilities and in disadvantaged conditions.PEEPI was identified by the Dovadola 3000 social cooperative of Forlì in collaboration with CSQA and the University of Bologna (Educational Science Department), thanks to the support of Confcooperative Romagna and Irecoop Emilia Romagna.
PEEPI identifies a process based on the enhancement of individual potential and on a strong relationship between the people who in various ways become part of the process.
It is applied within organizations, both public and private (profit and non-profit), which have the objective of promoting and carrying out effective and long-lasting work placements of individuals in working disadvantage conditions. The requirements of the specification can be complementary to management systems.
At the end of the evaluation by CSQA , the company that is compliant receives a certificate and the possibility of identifying its company as certified through the use of an identification mark .
The Organization must give evidence , through documented information, that it has applied the following path :- Formalization of the "Working context"
- Possession of the documentation useful for framing the subject to be included in the work
- Formalization of the Worker Card
- Establishment of the work team
- Planning and building the onboarding process
- Carrying out ongoing monitoring activities and formalizing the results
- Collection of objective data on the achievement of the IPIL
- Formalization of the analysis of the professional advancement prospects of the person in the course of job placement
- Possession of the mandatory training certificates for the staff of the work team
- Formalization of the Review of the applied service
After the implementation phase of the system and training of the internal resources of the structure ( by Dovadola 3000 , in collaboration with accredited training institutions and the University of Bologna), the Organization must sign the three-year certification contract with CSQA - Certification Body exclusively authorized to certify and certify the application of DTS 020 - PEEPIAfter the certification audit, the surveillance is annual , with the possibility of renewing the validity of the certificate after 3 years.
Once certified, the organization has the right to use the PEEPI logo
The DTS 020 is proposed as a tool for improving the job placement process of people in situations of fragility.It defines the minimum requirements for the certification of a path aimed at expressing the work resources possessed by individuals in conditions of working disadvantage.
Through the participatory involvement of the parties with an approach that enhances the resources and expectations of each, the path aims to:
- Identify the features (skills, competencies, capabilities) of the individual who will begin the placement process
- Make the subject aware of the existing and evolving path