Made Green in Italy is the voluntary national scheme promoted and developed by the Ministry of the Environment for the assessment and communication of the environmental footprint of products.For Made Green in Italy products there is a logo and a product environmental footprint declaration which provides both quantitative and qualitative information on the environmental performance of the product.

CSQA is the first Certification Body to obtain accreditation from ACCREDIA for Made Green in Italy.
The assessment of the environmental footprint envisaged by the Made Green in Italy scheme is carried out according to the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) methodology .Membership in the scheme is limited to products :
- Made in Italy which have environmental performance equal to or higher than the reference benchmarks
- for which there is a valid RCP (Product Category Rule) . The RCPs are issued by the Ministry of the Environment and contain the necessary requirements for conducting PEF studies for a specific product category
Its adoption intends to contribute, for example, to:- promote sustainable models of production and consumption and help implement the indications of the related strategy defined by the European Commission
- stimulate the continuous improvement of the environmental performance of products and, in particular, the reduction of the environmental impacts that they generate during their life cycle
- encourage informed and conscious choices by citizens, with a view to promoting the development of sustainable consumption, ensuring the transparency and comparability of the environmental performance of these products
- strengthen the image, appeal and communicative impact of "Made in Italy" products in order to support their competitiveness on national and international markets
- define the most effective ways to evaluate and communicate the environmental footprint of the products of the Italian production system, through the adoption of the PEF method - Product Environmental Footprint - associating aspects of traceability, environmental quality, landscape quality and social sustainability