Integrated Production is an agricultural production system that favors the use of resources and natural regulation mechanisms in partial replacement of chemical substances, ensuring sustainable agriculture .
Biological, technical and chemical methods are carefully balanced taking into account:
- of environmental protection,
- of economic convenience
- of social requirements.
The reference standard for certification is UNI 11233 "Integrated production systems in agri-food supply chains - General principles for planning and implementation in vegetable supply chains".
It applies to all plants intended for human or animal consumption.
- Pedoclimatic suitability and choice of varieties
- Maintenance of the natural agroecosystem
- Soil arrangement and preparation - sowing, transplanting and planting
- Crop rotation
- Plant nutrition and watering
- Weed management, integrated protection and distribution of crop protection products
- Harvest and post-harvest
- it is a cultivation method attentive to sustainability that allows you to safeguard the environment and natural resources
- allows us to offer greater attention to food safety
- allows you to enhance the productions through the use of the logo on the product
- it is consistent with national and European directives on the rational use of pesticides
- can be verified jointly with standards ( GlobalG.AP . , Leaf Marque , Regional Brands , etc.)
- Integrated Production is applicable to agricultural production but through traceability it is possible to communicate the certification also on processed products