Home Corporate Communication Press Review Berni: virtuous supply chain, benefits for all

Berni: virtuous supply chain, benefits for all

The innovation projects of the Grana Padano Protection Consortium in the name of environmental sustainability.

Berni: virtuous supply chain, benefits for all
Berni: virtuous supply chain, benefits for all

Sales in retail increased by 1.3%, in horeca by 12%, exports +3% (around 50% of the total sold), overall value jumped by over 16%: in the period January-July 2023, Grana Padano DOP has gone beyond the consumption crisis. With a turnover of around 3.3 billion euros, the largest PDO in the world is also the largest player in the collection of Italian milk, and therefore issues related to climate change are crucial in the present and future business strategy.


Today the fight against global warming represents one of the most urgent and difficult challenges: direct emissions of greenhouse gases produced by agricultural activities linked to food production are equal to 10-12% of total emissions worldwide.

Furthermore, the supply chain must also limit other negative effects on the environment , such as the depletion of water resources, the eutrophication of fresh and marine water, the ecotoxicity of water and land consumption. Hence the need to improve the efficiency of the production systems of DOP cheeses , analyzing all the parameters necessary to provide a complete and detailed mapping of the environmental impact of the entire production chain, including the consumption and waste management phases.

To satisfy it, the Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano PDO, together with the Comité Interprofessionnel de Gestion du Comté in France, created the LIFE TTGG – The Tough Get Going project, co-financed by the European Commission through the dedicated LIFE Program to the environment and climate action with the collaboration of Italian and French universities, start-ups, manufacturing companies, training and research bodies as well as the participation of CSQA certifications .


Source: Italia Oggi

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