Home Corporate Communication Press Review From Diversity Ark a guarantee stamp on the results achieved by wineries

From Diversity Ark a guarantee stamp on the results achieved by wineries

Eight Italian and one Croatian companies have completed the certification process issued by CSQA

From Diversity Ark a guarantee stamp on the results achieved by wineries
From Diversity Ark a guarantee stamp on the results achieved by wineries

Biodiversity in vineyards is good for the environment, animals and people. At least this is the philosophy of Stefano Amadeo and Stefano Zaninotti, both agronomists with an idea in mind: to find a series of basic assumptions that, applied to vineyards, can protect biodiversity in situ.

Put like this, it wouldn't be anything new: the organic certification process or even the integrated one ( Sqnp for professionals) already aim to achieve this balance. But Amadeo is keen to explain how with the Diversity Ark (trademark registered at European level) we go "to measure ex post the balance obtained with this protocol". Which then became a label to also be displayed on wine bottles. The two agronomists, in fact, found in CSQA , a European certification body, the structure that "after a year of work in the field - continues Amadeo - verifies and issues the Diversity Ark certificate".


Source: IlSole24Ore.it

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