On 25 May 2023, Regulation (EU) 2023/915 relating to the maximum levels of certain contaminants in food comes into force, which repeals Regulation (EC) 1881/2006.
The new regulation completely replaces the previous one and lists, in Annex I, the maximum levels in foods of:
- Mycotoxins;
- Plant toxins;
- Metals;
- Halogenated persistent organic pollutants (Dioxins and PCBs, Perfluoroalkyl substances);
- Process contaminants;
- Other contaminants.
Foodstuffs that meet the established maximum levels cannot be mixed with foods in which these levels are exceeded.
EU Reg. 2023/915, for the moment, maintains the maximum levels as defined by EC Reg. 1881/2006, however it reorganizes the categories of contaminants in Annex I, increasing references to EC Reg 396/2005, improves readability and avoids the numerous footnotes.
It also adds remarks to clarify the application of the limits in the various foods. (Source: https://www.ceirsa.org /)
For more information, read EU Reg. 2023/915