Home Corporate Communication News First PEFC certified truffle ground in Italy

First PEFC certified truffle ground in Italy

For the Simple Agricultural Society Bosina di Cupello (CH) the PEFC certification for the Sustainable Management of medium-long cycle plantations

First PEFC certified truffle ground in Italy
First PEFC certified truffle ground in Italy

CSQA has issued the first PEFC certificate of a Società Agricola Semplice Bosina di Cupello (CH) truffle-growing plant in compliance with the PEFC ITA 1004-1: 2015 standard, in particular in relation to Annex 2 "PEFC technical standards for the sustainable management of plantations and medium-long cycle".

Thanks to the opportunity offered by Measure 8.1 of the Abruzzo PSR 2014/2020, the Bosina farm was able to allocate 14.28 hectares of agricultural land of its 33.5 hectares, previously planted with arable land , to afforestation.


The afforestation was carried out with native tree species and using downy oak and holm oak forest seedlings mycorrhized with Tuber aestivum ( scorzone or black summer truffle ) produced in compliance with Legislative Decree 386/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions and Title VII Chapter IV of Regional Law No. 3/2014 "Forest multiplication material".

The creation of mixed populations , as in the specific case, and the adoption of a wider layout which allows grassy strips to be maintained, especially along the perimeter of the plant, greatly enrich the overall biodiversity of the company in particular and of the territory in general.

Furthermore, with the formation of the vegetation cover, the functions of soil protection and water regulation improve.

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