The ITS Agroalimentare Puglia Foundation - training center of excellence - with post-diploma courses , has been certified by CSQA since 2017 for the ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 schemes.
The Foundation - Higher Technical Institute " New Technologies Area for Made in Italy - Food System - Agri-Food Production Sector " - was established in 2010 in Locorotondo (BA); it is a non-profit organization and is aimed at the regional and national level, also with reference to initiatives of the European Union.
The Foundation operates on the basis of three-year plans with the aim of ensuring, with continuity, the supply of post-secondary senior technicians in relation to figures who respond to the demand from the world of public and private work in relation to the reference sector of Agri-Food.
The decision to implement a Quality Management System, the field of application of which is " the planning and provision of post-diploma specialist technical training courses, orientation and information activities of the technical-scientific culture in the agri-food sector", and to adopt the ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 standards as voluntary standards, stems from the belief that it can represent a real management tool based on the systematization and formalization of tasks in order to achieve homogeneity of services and comply with the requests/needs of the main stakeholders (the world of work and young people/adults interested in entering/re-entering the world of specialized work).
Implementing the system has the purpose of documenting one's activities, verifying how they are being conducted with the approach of modifying them in a dynamic and flexible vision for continuous improvement.
The Higher Technical Institutes - or rather those post-diploma courses, alternative to university, designed to train professionals particularly coveted by the productive fabric of our country - are about to change their face. The reform of the entire "ITS system" was definitively approved by the Montecitorio Assembly. A provision that has the ambitious goal of placing ITS at the center of Italian education.In fact, despite enviable numbers on the employment front, we are talking about a world that is still unknown to most. Yet the data speak for themselves: according to the latest INDIRE 2022 monitoring, one year after completing their studies, 80% of ITS graduates have already found a job, with 91% of them engaged in a job consistent with the cycle of studies carried out. This is thanks to a very concrete approach (with many hours of internships and practical activities) and close contact with companies in the reference area.
The ITS thus take on a more specific meaning in the context of the enhancement of technical and professional skills , providing for constant updates also for teachers of scientific and technological disciplines. Furthermore, the various structures will in the future have the possibility of being able to enter into "federative pacts" with university universities, in order to promote further opportunities.
ITS Academy will be created jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of University and Research, with the possibility of making use of supervised or controlled public bodies, i.e. recognized at national level for higher education evaluation activities.
The ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 certifications represent the "gear chain" of a training center that aims for excellence.