Home Corporate Communication Press Review Asiago is the first DOP cheese certified Made Green in Italy

Asiago is the first DOP cheese certified Made Green in Italy

The virtuous model of Asiago DOP that allows each dairy to reduce energy consumption by an average of 20% has been awarded

Asiago is the first DOP cheese certified Made Green in Italy
Asiago is the first DOP cheese certified Made Green in Italy

Sustainable "from grass to fork". Asiago is the first cheese with Protected Designation of Origin (with a production turnover of 160 million euros in 2023) to obtain the "Made green in Italy" stamp, the voluntary certification promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security to encourage sustainable models of evaluation and communication of the environmental footprint of Italian products.

«The Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago, as part of the continuous improvement process that, since 2022, with the innovative Asiago Green Edge project has involved, for the first time in the dairy sector, the entire production chain, is committed to translating into action the commitment to responsible development based on three pillars: the protection of the natural environment, animal welfare and energy efficiency», recalls a note from the Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago DOP.


Made green Italy is a certification «that combines Italian manufacturing excellence with a careful evaluation of environmental performance along the entire value chain and is the first of an institutional and public nature», the Consortium recalls, and rewards a shared approach: «which combines authenticity and innovation, three leading universities : the Polytechnic of Milan, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, which represents the scientific referent of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security for this certification, and the certifying body Csqa ».


Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

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