This important recognition, valid for three years, does not only represent a regulatory milestone, but a significant step towards greater equity and inclusion. The company has defined a strategic plan to continuously improve, acting on various fronts, from personnel selection to team training, up to the adoption of an inclusive language.
Data on gender equality in Trentino and Italy show that the work, social and family gap is still significant: in Trentino, for example, the female employment rate is 10% lower than the male one, while at a national level the women earn on average 20% less than men. President Camilla Santagiuliana Busellato comments: «We are proud to be a virtuous example of female employment. Thanks to flexible hours and short home-work distances, we allow our employees to balance work and personal life. However, we are aware that there is still much to do. We want to create an environment where equality is not just an objective, but an ordinary fact."
Source: Quality Magazine